Just an ordinary Tuesday - good food, good friends and good fun!!!!
And I spent most of it, waiting waiting waiting waiting,
Till it arrived.
A Hotted up holden ute with a skinny 12 year old driver with a skunk strip in his hair, oh the best part — his number plate spelt chikko.
Dude ( Sorry sometimes there are just no other words.....), I so do not think so!!!!!!!.
But he quickly left, after he had carried in two big boxes!
My new bed.
Ahhhhh non brokeney bliss!!
So any way back to Tuesday.
Daph working hard.
And since my picture of Beth was very OOF here is a slightly less OOf of what she drags along EVERY week to Scrap Tuesday, now thats dedication!
My main scrappy business today was finally trying my hand at these flowers. Only singed my fingers once!! Yay Go me!! And im dangerous crafter. If there is a way to hurt myself, I will find it. You should see me with a hot glue gun, actually stay far far far away from me with a hot glue gun!!!
I had read a few tutorials online and so just winged it, but if you want you can find a tutorial here. I learnt a lot from my first 2 and with a few slight changes cant wait to do more. I had a really really light champagne white colour but I think that colour requires more patience then I have, not to get black edges on the pale fabric.
And just cause he is very very cute, An exhausted Kook, who feel asleep before I could wash his lil face.
Now if you will excuse me, I am off to watch some dear friends get chased around a hospital by a gunman. And as it's a season finale its 2 hours of wonderfulness!
Ps - Hubbys band is playing at the Alroy Tavern at Plumpton on Sunday afternoon. Its a great place for the whole family, my kids love it there. We would love to see you there.
PPs for those interested I think there is some sort of Car show on there in the morning. Maybe i should hunt down young hotted up ute guy.

hey Sarah..must say those flowers look super awesome.. and i have also burnt my hands creating less detailed ones than these..
oh an i am just using my hands at the moment.. thinking my day off Friday a Pasta maker will be finding its way to my house.. i have done some retouching with the clay thingies and was thinking about doin a shop with some of them and some of my other cloud creations.but its still in the thinking about stage.. hope you are well today.. scrappin looks like fun.. anyho thanks for all your Sugar on my blog.. lots of love and a ton of sugar back to you. Leanne
Wow the flowers are gorgeous Sarah, they look way hard though especially when you mentioned singed in there. But will check out the tute.
You have scrap Tuesday and I do Scrap Wednesday with Jan tomorrow, because she is nana basically to Nate and only lives 8 houses up the road she already has all her scrapping gear at my place but I can understand just how much is needed to go to these little fests.
What an absolutely gorgeous pic of cutie pie with dirt? all over his face, just such a great shot, that camera is awesome.
Just finished watching the gunman run around the hospital killing people, yah McDreamy has pulled through. Unfortunately for me, I have just got into the show this series but I just so want next season to be here.
If I lived down your way I would so go to watch your husband play, so good you can take the kids and I bet they have a ball.
How bout leaving ute guy for the single ones lol.....
Love Melxx
oooohhhh, Sarah! your flowers turned out GORJE! i love the curliness of 'em, and i bet your white ones will rock, too. these are great photos - and the one about your friend lugging all that stuff with her on tuesdays... that's just typical obsessive crafters! i find that no matter how purposefully i pack my stuff for a crop, i always end up forgetting. looks like she's just playing it safe! ;)
Your flowers are GORGEOUS! I think black edges would just add more charm ;)
I too am an *extreme* scrapper...I have blisters from my hot glue gun and scars from my cutting blade LOL
Oooh, love those flowers, they turned out gorgeous!
Sarah - love the look of those flowers too. Thanks for visiting my blog... I also have a daugher called Sarah, so we obviously share more things in common. Looking forward to checking out more of your blog.
Those flowers!!!! LOVE them. And LOVE you - your blog is great!
Sarah Karen has a daughter names Sarah...and Sarah has a mum named karen? Freaky LOL...
Hey since you displayed that awful pic of me you owe me some of those delightful flowers....me luv em loads!!!!
Love those flowers!
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