Todays (or yesterdays) Slice if Sunday is brought to you, courtesy of the RockGod!
Thanks everyone that came out yesterday!
Ps - This weeks Slice could also be titled - The Other Women. Sometimes when he sitting there all quiet, I just know he is trying to figure out, who he would save first in a fire...................
PPs The Rockgod serenaded his mother for her birthday. I really do have the sweetest husband in the world ( even if I have to save myself if the house burns down!!).

LOL, this cracked me up...the part about him trying to figure out who he'd save in a fire!
lol dear hubby is in a band too...would love to see yours one day....when and where is he playing next???
we have no trouble with who to save in a fire though....he's the singer!!!!
Wow you are so lucky married to a RockGod, and I would like to bet that you and the kids would be his first thought in a fire. I cannot believe I have missed these posts. By the way, I so wish I could spend a Sunday in the place where he plays, would just be a perfect way to end the week. Notice no jumper here, must be warm. Love Melxx
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