So how was your Scrap Tuesday ? Got your links ready for Mr Linky?
Mine was slightly hyperactive, Im still in that mood actually (Sorry long suffering husband!!), too much triple chocolate
cheesecakeWe were one down this week, which the only good part of that is more M 'n Ms for us! Cindy (blogless) we missed you!
I did a bit of fart arseing around today. Got very messy with PVA and paint. I had a few things in my head I wanted to try. One of which Im still working on, the other ( a background cardstock) I trailed in potato stamp form. Its over a servietted, painted background. Not sure, every time I look at it I think of Greece. Is that just my strange brain?
I used a paper mache carry case, and covered the bottom half in a hessian shopping bag from Coles. I though that was a lil plain so just free cut a basic stencil to add a lil somethin' somethin'.
The top I dived into a wonderful gift from the amazing
Teresa, these Vintage Home journals. Which are a crack up to read! Though have me slightly concerned that my knees may be to fat — thankfully their advice column has helped me in that area. No more unsightly knees for me.
A few finishing Touches and Wallah. I really enjoyed making this one.

So what have you done lately?? Add the blog link to your creations and link on up. Mr Linky is hungry and needs links!
Sugar rush has died and Im to buggered to even go watch my Big Love or Greys Anatomy ( thank IQ foxtel for allowing me such joy even when Im out at family dinners!) So Im off to bed, I'll catch up on all of you tomorrow! Nighty Night Dont let the bed bugs bite.
Ps If you make said cheesecake go with the reviews and use slightly less gelatin — the cake is well worth its slight fiddleness!