Depression and other mental illnesses have played a big part in my life, and a lot of the people around me. So it was only natural I choose this for the letter D for my art journal, A TO Z.
This is a dirty messy page, its interrupted my life in many ways, so any description of this could not have been done, clean and pretty.
The family Tag worked well here as I often think of it as a family curse, one I hope my boys bypass.
This metal Im assuming is from a car accident, as it was near the traffic lights with some broken glass etc, and each time I passed it, I thought I should pick it up, it might be useful, and its found its perfect home.
I cant get the true colour of the purple, it's a deep but vibrant colour. Im hoping to replace the main photo tomorrow as the light is now gone and boys are calling, We are doing a Die hard fest tonight - 3 and 4.
Ps if you are Alexandria - Rod and the Boys are playing at the Iron Duke tonight.

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
wow, thats a page indeed! Great job!
You are so arty and this is perfect, Depression is all these things you talked about and that's from my personal experience too, I love how you can express yourself through your art work, this journal is going to be awesome. I love it Sarah.
I knew someone who had depression and it was an awful thing- your page is really artistic and pretty much sums it up- looking forward to letter E :-)
Wow...this is amazing.
Wow Sarah! I love how you documented the ugly as well as the good!
I agree with the other comments...I think the page illustrates the mixed emotions of living with/around depression. {I have to catch up...I'm behind you on two letters.}
this is a deep piece sarah, so proud of you sharing it with us xo
Geez sarah you have just said exactly what I feel like!! (Except I can't make altered journals like you can!!)
My Dh has suffered terribly for 5 years and due the stress of dealing with him I had a breakdown in December....which ultimately was really I know exactly how he has been feeling for the last 5 years.
It has taught me such a valuable lesson especially at work too as thats what I do...I look after people with depression now I can no longer sympathise with them but I can relate to them too.
Have been thinking for a while perhaps I ought to record this episode in a journal for myself...your work might just give me the kick up the bum I have been needing!!
Thanks hun xxx
I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?
Hi There Sarah,
Such a personal journal entry. A nice share. Most of are either living with someone with depression or know of someone with it. Thank you for being so honest. I think scrapping is about recording the good, the bad and the ugly. Your page looks great.
Cheers Narelle
I am right there with you on the depression/mental illness feeling...I hope that it's something my (future) children bypass, as well. Thank you for posting this very honest and beautiful LO!
I love the A to Z thing. I haven't seen it before. Depression is really tough. I have a really, really amazing naturopath who has some interesting theories on a lot of depression and anxiety issues.
This was a really honest post. I appreciate your candor.
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