Did you guys see that last elements challenge on the dollies blog ,
- Baby Blue
- Ink and lost of it
- Masking
- Paper with words
- Stripes
That recipe scared the heck out of me. But I felt up to a challenge and this is what came out. It actually sort of came together quiet easily.
The ink is used to build the square - which is actually masking as well, Though I have also masked with a ruler and a paint brush for really subtle stripes under the square and a doily as well. Paper with words, I used the back cover of some of my music — perfectly aged and stripy doos on the heart and I dont know if you can see some very faintly on the background.
But my favourite part is some labels that had fallen off my grandmothers cottons reels. Swoon makes me happy.
Ps I noticed how its almost August today and was thinking about how much had already gone on this year, when I realized, I have only locked my keys in the house 6 times so far this year. I deserve an award!!!!! thats a good record for me!
PPs im being paged but ill be back with more goodies from oppies!!!