Mmmmmmm , dont ya love the name of this challenge! This is a challenge from a wonderful new Forum Ive found at The Scrappers Outlet.
Chocolate, Yellow and White. Not sure how I feel about it though.
The white around the edge of the paper is one of my new water soluble wax crayons I got from the art shop last week. Been playing with my arty stuff again, considering entering something in the local council open art exhibition. Not really sure though, have not come up with anything im happy with.
Ps now I feel like chocolate - and Ive been so good lately.
PPS hot Chocolates dont count do they??
PPPS - been thinking of having a lil button and ribbon swap, any takers??

Awww, they are so sweet when they are sleeping, aren't they? I think the page turned out very well. I think you should go for it...enter something in the open art exhibit...stretch yourself, spread the wings...and give a few experimental really can never know how far you can fly until you do!
Love the layout and the colours. What a grogeous photo.
You should enter something and let us know what it is you choose or create :)
Damn off for some chocolate now LOL
Hi Sarah,
I love this page, it's beautiful. The colors go together so well. I would love to have a button and ribbon swap with you. I also finally got my "I" page done in my A-Z Journal. Have a great day!
My Journal
What a sweet sweet layout! LOVE the pleated music paper and buttons and what you did with that white wax crazyon is very cool! Sweet sweet photo too!
very beautiful page!
hugs from Brazil!
What a lovely LO Sarah... that photo is stunning... they are so angelic when they sleep. The colours go wonderfully with the pic!! I'd be in on a ribbon and button swap... sounds great. I'll try to keep an eye out. Been out of action for a while with everyone being sick with the flu. Off to try and get some scrapping done. :)
such a soft and beautiful photo....ove your page too...ove the concertina'd
Hello my friend, I now feel like chocolate NOW THAT YOU MENTIONED the stinkin word. Oh what is it about the stuff, I have been so good of late, lost a couple of kilos and now I just want choc.
I love this layout by the way and wow that art crayon looks really effective around the outside.
I will be in for a button and ribbon swap.
Love you, Melxx
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